A Hydra Journal of a Plague Year (Plague) 疫病流行記

PLAGUE is a multi-channel audio and video media arts sculptural theatre installation based on the 2021 premiere online production, A Journal of the Plague Year, conceived and directed by Colleen Lanki (1965 – 2023) of Tomeo Arts Society. A Journal of the Plague Year is an English-language translation of the play, Ekibyō ryūkōki (1975), written … Read more

Watermelon Game (Suika Wari) スイカ割り

Put on a blindfold, hit the watermelon, and win a prize! Sign up in advance at the Children’s Tent.   目隠しをしてスイカを割って、賞品をもらおう!事前に子供テントでお申し込みください。   

Tug-of-War (Sun)

Work together as a team and win prizes. Sign up in advance at the Children’s Tent.   チームみんなで力を合わせて賞品を勝ち取ろう!事前に子供テントでお申し込みください。

Tug-of-War (Sat)
綱引き (土)

Work together as a team and win prizes. Sign up in advance at the Children’s Tent.   チームみんなで力を合わせて賞品を勝ち取ろう!事前に子供テントでお申し込みください。

Kiai Contest 気合いコンテスト

Photo of the Kiai Contest at the Children's Tent at the 2005 Powell Street Festival, taken by Jon Elder

This is the time that kids can be as noisy as they want! Volunteer judges award prizes for the loudest, most creative, scariest screams, and yells. Sign up in advance at the Children’s Tent.   子供たちが好きなだけ騒げる絶好のチャンス!ボランティアの審査員が、一番大声賞、クリエイティブ賞、怖い賞を選び、賞品を進呈します。事前に子供テントでお申し込みください。 

360 Riot Walk
360ライオット・ウォーク (日)

Created by Henry Tsang, 360 Riot Walk is an interactive walking tour that utilizes 360 video technology to tell the story of the 1907 Anti-Asian Riots in Vancouver. It traces the history and route of the mob that attacked the Chinese Canadian and Japanese Canadian communities following the demonstration and parade organized by the Asiatic … Read more

360 Riot Walk (Sat)
360ライオット・ウォーク (土)

Created by Henry Tsang, 360 Riot Walk is an interactive walking tour that utilizes 360 video technology to tell the story of the 1907 Anti-Asian Riots in Vancouver. It traces the history and route of the mob that attacked the Chinese Canadian and Japanese Canadian communities following the demonstration and parade organized by the Asiatic … Read more

Hajichi in Diaspora (Hiromi Toma, Karina Satomi Matsumoto, Kiki Nakasone, Silvia Naomi Asato)

Powell Street Festival Japanese Canadian Art and Culture Summer Festival in Vancouver - featured events

“Hajichi in Diaspora” are Ryukyuan descendants from São Paulo (Brazil) and Vancouver (Canada) that are working in rescuing Hajichi traditional Ryukyuan women tattoo in different ways with research, short film, lecture and practicing the Hajichi tattoo in different places in the world where there are Ryukyuan communites. Our mission is to bring back Hajichi in … Read more

Vancouver Ikebana Association (Sun)
バンクーバー生け花協会 (日)

Sunday, 2:00 – 2:30 pm, 4:00 – 4:30 pm 日曜日 午後2時~2時30分、4時~4時30分 The Vancouver Ikebana Association is a not-for-profit organization that aims to educate the community and promote the Japanese art of floral design (ikebana) within the lower mainland. Ikebana – Japanese floral design – will be on display and feature the styles of four different … Read more

Tsunagu つなぐ 

Powell Street Festival Japanese Canadian Art and Culture Summer Festival in Vancouver - Film - Tsunagu

Lucy Komori is a Sansei who was involved in the first Powell Street Festival in 1977. Along with a group of fellow Sansei, she shared and continues to be interested in exploring personal, family and community histories. She recently turned to community filmmaking to profile narratives of Japanese Canadians. Lucy was awarded a TELUS STORYHIVE … Read more

APPARE Yosakoi Vancouver あっぱれよさこいバンクーバー

APPARE Yosakoi Vancouver is the only Japanese traditional dance (yosakoi) team in BC. We have members whose backgrounds are diverse. We dance to light up the city of rain and bring energy, joy and smiles to the people here. Yosakoi connects you all regardless of your language, appearance or culture. The three important keywords of … Read more

Kintsugi 金継ぎ

Powell Street Festival Japanese Canadian Art and Culture Summer Festival in Vancouver - featured events -Kintsugi

Saturday and Sunday (all-day), Exhibition at Centre A Saturday, 12:00-12:30 pm, Street Stage    土曜日・日曜日(終日) Centre A(チャイナタウン内アートギャラリー)にて展示 土曜日 午後12時〜12時30分、ストリートステージ  The Japanese practice of kintsugi honours and celebrates the repair of what was once broken. This installation takes the fragmented pieces of self, story and culture, and attempts to reassemble them into something new through song. … Read more

World Soran! ワールドソーラン!

Powell Street Festival Japanese Canadian Art and Culture Summer Festival in Vancouver - World Soran!

World Soran! is a dance team composed of Japanese youth studying English, Canadian youth interested in Japanese language and culture, and Japanese Canadian youth. The team performs Nanchu-Soran & Ushibuka-Haiya to present the fishing culture of the early Japanese settlers to western Canada, and Japanese idol dance to showcase the modern Japanese culture. Our mission … Read more
