Born and raised in Japan, Kisyuu has been working on Japanese calligraphy for over 25 years. Kisyuu has earned numerous awards in calligraphy competitions in Japan and Canada. Brush and ink are tools for her to express her true self. She writes in both traditional and modern free-style calligraphy methods. She also does calligraphy as a live performance on large canvases. Through her calligraphy art, she wishes to create both inner and outer peace. Kisyuu will go beyond the boundaries of traditional calligraphy art forms and write Japanese characters on large canvases to convey her messages, emotions, and creativity. Kisyuu will use multiple sizes of brushes and different colours of ink to create Japanese calligraphy art. Watch how her brush moves and enjoy witnessing the process of art making while experiencing art that has over 2000 years of history!