Infinitely Yours

Infinitely Yours is an emotional, dream-like meditation on climate catastrophe and the Anthropocene. The work is an emotionally impactful, embodied illustration of news headlines we see every day, and the complex harm humanity causes to the world – and what it might mean for all of us: humanity, as well as other life, and the earth itself — to be living in this changing world.
Infinitely Yoursは、気候大変動と人新世(アントロポセン)についてのエモーショナルで夢幻的な瞑想作品です。私たちが日々目にするニュースの見出しや、人間が世界に引き起こす複雑な害悪ーわたしたち全員、人類にとっても、ほかの生命や地球自体にとっても、この変化し続ける世界で生きることが、何を意味するのかーを具体化したイラストによって、感情的に訴えかける作品です 

Miwa Matreyek is an animator, designer, and performer. Originally based in Los Angeles, she now calls Vancouver, B.C. her home. Over the last 15 years, she has performed her unique interdisciplinary shadow performances all around the world, including animation/film festivals, theatre/performance festivals, art museums, science museums, and tech conferences. She joined the School for the Contemporary Arts at Simon Fraser University as an assistant professor of Theatre Production and Design in 2022.

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Program Category

Featured Event, Interdisciplinary, Media Arts​, Theatre​



Periods of complete darkness, Sudden Loud Noises