Know Before You Arrive
✔ Help us become the first zero waste festival in Vancouver!
Powell Street Festival embraced the Zero Waste Challenge Project in 2007, one of the first major festivals to do so. Help us become the first zero waste festival in Vancouver by:
– Composting all food and foodware (all single-use foodware distributed by our food vendors is compostable)
– Bringing your own utensils & water bottle (we have filling stations all around the festival)
– Participating in our Festival Cup-Share program to avoid single-use cup waste
– Reducing plastic waste by purchasing a re-usable Powell Street Festival tumbler at the festival
– Sorting your waste and recycling all bottles and cans into the appropriate bins
– Riding your bike, walking, or taking public transport to the festival (use our FREE bike valet service!
Passionate about the environment? Enjoy being active? Join our Zero Waste volunteer crew! Apply Here
✔ Participate in our Festival Cup-Share program!
Booth location: intersection of Jackson Ave. & Powell St.
For just $2, you can pick up a Powell St Fest cup at our Cup-Share Booth on Jackson Street. When purchasing a drink at a food booth, simply exchange the cup in your hand for a clean cup. Return the cup at the end of the day or weekend for your deposit back.
Or, take home your Powell St Fest cup as a festival souvenir. Your deposit will go towards supporting our Zero Waste Challenge Project.
✔ Avoid the single-use item fee by bringing your own shopping bag
All vendors, including food, craft, marketplace and community booths, will implement the City of Vancouver Single-Use Item By-Law, and will charge a fee for shopping bags and single-use cups.
We encourage you to also bring your own utensils and water bottle – there will be water stations throughout the festival site.
✔ Have a question or concern at the festival? Ask our Festival Ambassadors!
Our Festival Ambassadors are longterm festival volunteers and participants who are trained to assist festival goers. They can be identified by their bright blue happi vest and radio.
✔ Protect fellow festival goers and local residents!
We encourage everyone to take safety precautions, such as mask-wearing and physical distancing where possible and appropriate. We are committed to protecting vulnerable communities against the spread of infectious disease; and yet, we recognize that such precautions are matters of personal choice shaped by heat waves and other factors. And of course: if you have any symptoms of illness, please stay home.
✔ ゼロ・ウェイスト・プロジェクト
– すべての食品と食器類のコンポスト化 (屋台から配布される使い捨て容器はすべてコンポスト可能です)
– 食器、水筒の持参(フェスティバル会場に給水所を設けています)
– 使い捨てコップの無駄使い削減のため、コップシェアプログラムに参加する
– パウエル祭で再利用可能なタンブラーを購入し、プラスチックのゴミを減らす
– ゴミを分別し、瓶や缶を適切なゴミ箱にリサイクルする
– 自転車、徒歩、公共交通機関でのご来場(無料自転車駐輪サービスをご利用ください)
✔ マイバッグを持参し、使い捨てアイテムの追加料金を避けましょう!
食品、手芸、マーケットプレイス、コミュニティブースを含むすべてのベンダーは、バンクーバー市の条例によるSingle-Use Item By-Law(使い捨て商品有料化)を実施し、ショッピングバッグを有料で提供します。
✔ カップシェアプログラムに参加しよう!
ジャクソンストリートのカップシェアブースでは、2ドルでPowell Street Festival のカップを販売しています。フードブースでドリンクを購入する際にはお持ちのカップをきれいなカップと交換するだけです。イベント終了後、または週末にカップを返却していただければ、デポジットが戻ってきます。または、パウエル祭カップを記念としてお持ち帰りしていただくことも可能です。デポジットは、当団体の「ゼロ・ウェイスト・チャレンジ・プロジェクト」の支援に充てられます。
✔ パウエル祭アンバサダー
✔ 健康に関するメッセージ