Welcome to the 47th Annual Powell Street Festival
On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers, I am happy to welcome you to the 47th Annual Powell Street Festival.
The Festival is a celebration of Japanese Canadian arts and culture taking place in Vancouver’s historic Paueru Gai neighborhood, on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh people. We are honoured to return each year to the neighborhood and work with the current residents to create a rich cultural experience connecting communities.
This year’s festival is a program-packed, in-person festival in Oppenheimer Park and the surrounding neighborhood. For those who can’t attend, we offer Festival Connect, a livestream broadcast from the festival grounds to your home computer.
We have a full array of programming over the weekend including live music, dance and theatre performances on multiple stages, delicious Japanese food, martial arts demonstrations, children’s programming, community booths, a sumo tournament, and our annual lottery. Some highlights include Michiyo Kagami performing Daikagura, an art form involving dance and juggling; EPITHYMiA, a J-Pop dance and vocal group; and Kokuho Rose’s Noodle Connection, which reunites the legendary folk and blues group from Powell Street Festival’s early days. There’s a lot to see, experience, and explore over the weekend. Our Festival Ambassadors, identifiable by their bright hachimaki headbands and happi vests are on site to help you navigate and enjoy the festival.
As part of our commitment to reducing waste, we have implemented our Cup-Share program where, for a small deposit, you can receive a commemorative Powell Street Festival cup you can use at any of our food vendors when purchasing a drink over the weekend. You can return the cup for a return of your deposit or feel free to take it home as a souvenir with the deposit going towards out Zero Waste Challenge Project. Other ways to help us reduce waste include bringing your own utensils and water bottle (we will have filling stations on-site) or purchasing a reusable Powell Street Festival water bottle at our Merchandise Booth.
Our sponsors, volunteers, and staff help put the Festival together, but it’s you, the audience, who support us by attending, participating, and enjoying our programs. The feedback you provide us through our surveys and your purchase of lottery tickets and Festival merchandise help us continue to grow and improve in a thoughtful way.
Thank you for joining us in celebrating the spirit of Powell Street Festival. We hope that you have a great time at the festival and thank you for spending a part of your long weekend with us.
– Edward Takayanagi (Board President)
On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers, I am happy to welcome you to the 47th Annual Powell Street Festival.
The Festival is a celebration of Japanese Canadian arts and culture taking place in Vancouver’s historic Paueru Gai neighborhood, on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh people. We are honoured to return each year to the neighborhood and work with the current residents to create a rich cultural experience connecting communities.
This year’s festival is a program-packed, in-person festival in Oppenheimer Park and the surrounding neighborhood. For those who can’t attend, we offer Festival Connect, a livestream broadcast from the festival grounds to your home computer.
We have a full array of programming over the weekend including live music, dance and theatre performances on multiple stages, delicious Japanese food, martial arts demonstrations, children’s programming, community booths, a sumo tournament, and our annual lottery. Some highlights include Michiyo Kagami performing Daikagura, an art form involving dance and juggling; EPITHYMiA, a J-Pop dance and vocal group; and Kokuho Rose’s Noodle Connection, which reunites the legendary folk and blues group from Powell Street Festival’s early days. There’s a lot to see, experience, and explore over the weekend. Our Festival Ambassadors, identifiable by their bright hachimaki headbands and happi vests are on site to help you navigate and enjoy the festival.
As part of our commitment to reducing waste, we have implemented our Cup-Share program where, for a small deposit, you can receive a commemorative Powell Street Festival cup you can use at any of our food vendors when purchasing a drink over the weekend. You can return the cup for a return of your deposit or feel free to take it home as a souvenir with the deposit going towards out Zero Waste Challenge Project. Other ways to help us reduce waste include bringing your own utensils and water bottle (we will have filling stations on-site) or purchasing a reusable Powell Street Festival water bottle at our Merchandise Booth.
Our sponsors, volunteers, and staff help put the Festival together, but it’s you, the audience, who support us by attending, participating, and enjoying our programs. The feedback you provide us through our surveys and your purchase of lottery tickets and Festival merchandise help us continue to grow and improve in a thoughtful way.
Thank you for joining us in celebrating the spirit of Powell Street Festival. We hope that you have a great time at the festival and thank you for spending a part of your long weekend with us.
– Edward Takayanagi (Board President)
週末の2日間にかけて、ライブミュージック、複数ステージでのダンスや演劇のパフォーマンス、日本のおいしい食べ物、武道実演、子供向けプログラム、コミュニティブース、相撲トーナメント、毎年恒例の宝くじなど、さまざまなプログラムを用意しています。ハイライトには、鏡味味千代によるダンスとジャグリングを合わせた演芸の一種である太神楽や、 J-POPダンス&ボーカルグループのエピシミア、そしてパウエル祭初期の伝説的なフォーク&ブルース・グループを再結成した国宝ローズ・ヌードル・コネクションが含まれます。たくさんの見どころに溢れ、いろいろなことを体験したり探索したりできる週末です。会場では鮮やかなハチマキとハッピを着たフェスティバルアンバサダーが常駐し、皆様にフェスティバルを楽しんでいただけるようご案内いたします。
Featured events include EPITHYMiA, IzumonookunI, Daikagura Showcase
Poster and Festival Illustrations by Jillian Tamaki
Jillian Tamaki is a New York Times bestselling illustrator, comics artist, and teacher who makes books for people of all different ages – from picture books to YA comics to graphic novels. Her latest book Roaming, co-created with her cousin Mariko Tamaki, will be published in Fall 2023. She lives in Toronto, Ontario.