October 28, 2014 | 7pm
Nikkei Place (6888 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby)
Speaker: Art Miki
When the Japanese-Canadian community celebrated its centennial year in 1977, the occasion also marked the beginning of a nation-wide undertaking by the community to obtain justice for their war-time internment. Keynote speaker, Art Miki, who wrote the book The Japanese Canadian Redress Legacy: A Community Revitalized and was an instrumental leader in the negotiations and the movement, will speak from his personal experience and recount the story of the long road to finally receiving an apology and recompense from the Canadian government in 1988.
Following the speakers, there will be a panel discussion and a Q&A session open for audience participation. This is a free event open to the public.
Registrations appreciated: event@vc.mofa.go.jp
日系百年祭が行われた1977年は、カナダ各地の日系コミュニティーで、第二次世界大戦での強制移動に対する補償運動が始まった年でもあります。第5回目となる今回は、補償問題(リドレス)の立役者であり、「The Japanese Canadian Redress Legacy: A Community Revitalized」の著者でもあるアート・三木氏が基調講演を行います。1988年のカナダ政府による公式謝罪までの長い道のりを、ご自身の体験を含めて三木氏にお話していただき、岡田総領事が当時の総領事館の活動について講演します。