Highway 12 & Sumner Road beside Airport Gardens, Lillooet, BC
Fri., May 11, 1:30 pm
In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Japanese Canadian Internment, Honourable Claire Trevena, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, will be unveiling the second of seven Highway Legacy Signs for the Internment Site clusters and Roadcamps for the Self-supporting sites of East Lillooet, Bridge River, Minto, and McGillivray Falls. On Oct. 27, 2017, Minister Claire unveiled the first Legacy Sign at Tashme Internment site in the Sunshine Valley outside Hope, BC. More info…
Please Donate to the Legacy Signage Project
The Legacy Signs will provide a platform for local history education and Heritage Tourism. Many of the seven remaining signs are located in remote towns in the Kootenays. MORE INFO…
To support the unveiling events and defray local expenses for venue and equipment rentals, hospitality, entertainment and transportation for local school children and seniors, we ask for your support to help us make these celebration events happen. Let’s leave a lasting educational legacy for future generations.
Please make your donations to the Nikkei National Museum on website DONATE or write your cheques to Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Center 75th Anniversary Legacy Signage Project, 6688 Southoaks Crescent Burnaby BC V5E 4M7 or call 604.777.2122. Make sure to earmark your donations for the 75th Anniversary Legacy Signage Project. For more information contact the Legacy Signage Project fund raising team: Howard Shimokura (hshimok@telus.net) or Chuck Tasaka (mr_t8@shaw.ca.)