Between September 19 and 21st, Japanese Canadian young leaders from across the country will gather in Vancouver for the 2014 Japanese Canadian Young Leaders Conference (JCYLC). Organized in partnership with the National Association of Japanese Canadians’ annual general meeting, the JCYLC will offer a unique opportunity for youth to connect and engage in community based discussions with each other over the course of a three day conference.

On Friday, JCYLC participants will network with each other, participate in tours around Steveston and the Nikkei National Museum in Burnaby, and socialize into the evening. On Saturday, the Community Building Workshop will have a “graphic facilitation” component and allow young leaders to engage in conversations related to specific fields of interest. A young leaders discussion panel on Sunday, “Rising Voices: Nikkei Leaders Speak”, will highlight the experiences of select leaders from various age categories and hometowns across the country. Opportunities to connect socially with fellow JCYLC participants, interact with the NAJC-AGM general programming, and of course, to eat great food will be present throughout the weekend!

This year’s conference will be a great one. We strongly encourage all young Japanese Canadians to register and get involved in JCYLC 2014! To register, and for more information about the conference and possible subsidies, visit or follow us on facebook, twitter, instagram, and youtube!

9月19日から21日にかけて行われる2014年日系カナダ人青年リーダー会議(JCYL) に参加するため、カナダ全土から日系カナダ人の若いリーダーたちがバンクーバーに参集する。日系カナダ人青年リーダー会議は(JCYLC)は全カナダ日系人協会(NAJC)の年次総会と提携して同時に開催される。三日間にわたるこの会議で、若い参加者たちはお互いを理解しあい、参加者の地域社会に基づいた意見の交換に参加するというユニークな体験をすることになる。


今年の会議はすばらしいものになるだろう。若い日系カナダ人のみなさんに、ぜひこの2014年JCYLCに参加を申し込んでいただきたい。会議への参加申し込み、詳細、助成金に関する問い合わせはwww.youngleaders.najc.caまで。もしくは、ソーシャルメディア(facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube)を通じてご連絡を。
