While the 45th Annual Powell Street Festival won’t occur as a large public gathering, let us raise our festival spirits through celebrations of Japanese Canadian arts and culture within our own bubbles. With the helpful input from our multiple Town Hall Meetings in January, we present to you a varied and layered program to experience the festival within your own safe circles.

第45回パウエル祭は大規模なイベントとしては開催されませんが、日系カナダ人の芸術と文化を自分のバブルの中で祝い、祭りの精神を高めましょう。 1月に開催されたタウンホールミーティングで寄せられた意見をもとに、自身の安全なバブル内で楽しめる祭りを実現するためのさまざまな階層型プログラムを提示します。

Overview of what the festival will look like | 祭りの概要

Matsuri in a Bundle: The 45th Powell Street Festival

Rather than a live public event, Matsuri in a Bundle is a multifaceted project that will seed shared experiences of Japanese Canadian art and culture throughout the Lower Mainland and beyond. We will be creating downloadable and online resources and activities inspired by the 2020 PowellStFest Kids Camp, quality on-demand artistic content, and Community Initiative Grants to support our community groups.


祭り・イン・バンドルは、ライブの公開イベントではなく、バンクーバー地域内外で日系カナダ人の芸術と文化の共有体験を生み出す多面的なプロジェクトです。 2020年のPowellStFestキッズキャンプ、高品質の要望に応じた芸術コンテンツ、そしてコミュニティ・イニシアティブ助成金に触発された、ダウンロード可能なオンラインリソースとアクティビティを作成して、コミュニティグループをサポートします。

Applications are now closed.

Thank you for your support and interest in the Powell Street Festival!

Festival Application will look different this year. Instead of the traditional format for Community Booths, Craft Vendors, Displays, Food Booth Vendors, Marketplace Vendors, Martial Arts Participants, Performers and Demonstrators, we have two forms of Community Initiative Grants that you can apply for.

We are looking to facilitate community connection and create festival vibrations across the Lower Mainland and beyond. Unlike last year, we will not be paying cancellation fees but instead ask that you play an active role in safely celebrating your favourite parts of the festival within your own bubbles.



Community Initiative Grants- Application due MARCH 5  |  コミュニティ・イニシアティブ助成金ー3月5日締め切り

End of March- Application results  |  3月末ー申請結果発表

June 15- program description and link to landing page or location of engagement  |  6月15日ープログラムの説明とウェブサイトまたはエンゲージメントの場所へのリンク

Tier 1- Low Barrier Community Gatherings (Pre-Festival or Festival Weekend)

Tier 1-低バリアなコミュニティの集まり(祭り前または祭りの週末)

This grant is aimed at assisting our longtime festival stakeholders in facilitating small gatherings of their own to celebrate the spirit of the festival. Due to the low barrier nature of this grant, we would like to reserve this tier for returning applicants only; thank you for your understanding.




  • You are a returning Powell Street Festival applicant.
  • We encourage you to organize your own socially distanced or virtual gathering.
  • Small – household or virtual gathering
  • Medium – social bubble
  • Large – under 50 (i.e. backyard or outdoors gathering based on Coastal Health guidelines)
  • This event will happen before or during the festival weekend and will have some connection to Japanese Canadian arts and culture and/or is related to the Powell Street Festival.
  • Grant Amount: Maximum $200


  • 以前にパウエル祭に参加したことがある。
  • ソーシャルディスタンスを保った集まり、またはオンラインの集まりを開催することをお勧めします。
  • 小規模ー家庭内またはオンライン
  • 中規模ーソーシャルバブル
  • 大規模ー50人未満(コースタルヘルスのガイドラインに基づいたバックヤードまたは屋外での集まり)
  • イベントは、祭りの週末の前または最中に開催され、日系カナダ人の芸術や文化とのつながりがあるか、パウエル祭に関連している必要があります。
  • 助成額:最大$ 200


We only ask one thing from you in return:

Photograph your event and post to Instagram (must include the hashtag #powellstfest) before or during the festival weekend. This will help us create community connection through our website #powellstfest stream of pics.


Please review the application questions HERE before filling out the APPLICATION FORM


Optional: If you have a resource you would like to contribute to the Festival Bundle, a free resource available to the public with activities familiar to the themes of the festival, please email samantha[@]powellstreetfestival.com

We are looking for all-ages, low barrier activities which people can do by themselves or with others to learn about Japanese Canadian arts and culture.

オプション:祭りバンドルに貢献したいリソース、もしくは祭りのテーマに沿ったアクティビティで一般に公開されている無料のリソースがありましたら、samantha [@] powellstreetfestival.comにメールしてください。


Tier 2- Workshop and Resource Production (Pre-Festival)

Tier 2-ワークショップとリソースの作成(祭り前)

If you are interested in contributing a larger project, we would love to hear your ideas. Much like other grant applications, this process will be rigorous and require prepared material, such as a timeline, budget, and outline of steps you are taking to ensure a successful project. We are looking for well-developed and realistic ideas. We encourage collaboration between groups, disciplines, and locations. Please have a look at our website and past programs to get an idea of other groups who have previously participated in the festival. This grant tier is open to new and returning applicants!




  • Open to returning and new Powell Street Festival applicants.
  • Deeper engagement with Japanese Canadian arts and culture and/or the Powell Street Festival
  • workshops, exhibitions, or virtual resources
  • Pre-recorded or live, with the ability to post a recording online for accessibility and archival purposes
  • Facilitation will be carried out by you, so you must have a clear plan for support and creation of your project, we encourage collaboration between groups to help share responsibilities.
  • Depending on the size and scope of your project we will only be accepting approximately 8-12 applicants.
  • Grant Amount: ranging from $200-$1500 (budget outline required)


  • 以前にパウエル祭に参加したことのあるリピーターと新規応募者の両方が対象です。
  • 日系カナダの芸術と文化および/またはパウエル祭とのより深い関わり
  • ワークショップ、展示会、またはオンラインリソース
  • 事前録音、またはライブで、アクセシビリティとアーカイブの目的でオンラインで録音を投稿する術があること。
  • プロジェクトのサポートと作成について明確な計画を立てる必要があります。責任を分担するために、グループ間のコラボレーションを推奨します。
  • プロジェクトの規模と範囲にもよりますが、約8〜12人の応募者のみを受け付ける予定です。
  • 助成額:200ドルから1500ドル(予算の概要が必要)



  • Facilitating a Zoom workshop (ikebana and bonsai, textiles and sashiko, etc.)
  • Outdoor lessons in the park (different types of material arts, dance, or taiko)
  • Community outreach and support (cooking lessons and food distribution, senior centre activities, etc.)
  • Contributions to our festival bundle, such as worksheets, videos, or materials that relate to the festival


  • ズームを通してのワークショップのプロモーション(生け花と盆栽、織物と刺し子など)
  • 公園での野外レッスン(さまざまな種類の武道、ダンス、または太鼓)
  • 地域社会への働きかけと支援(料理教室と食糧配給、シニアセンター活動など)
  • 祭りに関連するワークシート、ビデオ、資料など、祭りバンドルへの貢献


Here is a list of potential themes, to help spark you imagination and think about collaborative possibilities:


      • Food & Cooking 食べ物&クッキング
      • Community & Traditional Gardening コミュニティと伝統的なガーデニング
      • Language & History 言語と歴史
      • Artisan & Popular Craft 職人&人気の工芸品
      • Sport & Games スポーツ&ゲーム
      • Textiles & Fashion 織物&ファッション
      • Matsuri & Ceremony 祭り&セレモニー

Please review the application questions HERE before filling out the APPLICATION FORM


For all Community Booths, Craft Vendors, Displays, Food Booth Vendors, Marketplace Vendors, Martial Arts Participants, Performers and Demonstrators if you would like to create a Community Message, please fill out this FORM.


Community Message: 60 second message to your festival fans and friends

OPTIONAL: a video from you and your group saying hello and your connection to the Powell Street Festival. This is similar to last year’s 1-minute Community Announcements.



Professional Artist Application – Application due MARCH 5


Similar to Tier 2 of the Community Initiative Grant, we would love to hear your ideas. This process will be rigorous and require prepared material, such as a timeline, budget, and outline of steps you are taking to ensure a successful project. We are looking for well-developed and realistic ideas.

We encourage interdisciplinary and new artistic productions. If you are looking to connect with new artists, nationally and internationally, please take a look at the Japanese Canadian Artist Directory, a database of over 400 artists of Japanese Candian descent or connected to the Japanese Canadian community: https://japanesecanadianartists.com/


他分野にまたがった新しい芸術作品を奨励します。国内外の新しいアーティストとのつながりをお探しの場合は、日系カナダ人の子孫または日系カナダ人コミュニティに関係のある400人を超えるアーティストのデータベースであるジャパニーズカナディアン・アーティストディレクトリをご覧ください:https://japanesecanadianartists.com //



  • Open to returning and new Powell Street Festival applicants.
  • Deeper engagement with Japanese Canadian arts and culture and/or the Powell Street Festival
  • Some support may be available from the Powell Street Festival, but you must have a clear plan for the creation, location, and parameters of your project
  • Depending on the size and scope of your project we will only be accepting approximately 6-12 applicants.
  • Grant Amount: please outline your projected costs and artistic fees


  • 以前にパウエル祭に参加したことのあるリピーターと新規応募者の両方が対象です。
  • 日系カナダの芸術と文化および/またはパウエル祭とのより深い関わり
  • パウエル祭からサポートのサポートを受けるとこができる場合もありますが、プロジェクトの作成、場所、および詳細について明確な計画を立てる必要があります
  • プロジェクトの規模と範囲にもよりますが、約6〜12人の応募者のみを受け付ける予定です。
  • 助成額:予想される費用と作成費用の概要を記入してください。


Please review the application questions HERE before filling out the APPLICATION FORM




Applications for Artists, Vendors, and Displays at the 2021 Powell Street Festival are now OPEN. If you have any concerns about your applications, please contact us at admin@powellstreetfestival.com.

Notifications will be sent to applicants at the end of March.

Applications for the 2022 Powell Street Festival will open in January 2022. Please sign up for our Annual Call to Enter email list.

Powell Street Festival Society Mission

The Powell Street Festival Society’s (PSFS) mission is to cultivate Japanese Canadian arts and culture to connect communities. Our main activity is producing the Powell Street Festival (PSF) in Vancouver’s historic Japanese Canadian neighbourhood, Paueru Gai. PSF is an annual celebration of Japanese Canadian arts and culture. In addition to PSF, we engage in co-presentations with arts organizations and produce an annual season of cultural and artistic programming.

The Festival

The Powell Street Festival is the largest event of its kind in Canada and the longest running community arts festival in the Lower Mainland. Inaugurated in 1977, the Powell Street Festival is free to the public.

For more information about the society, review our About page…
