In December 2014, the PSFS received a Downtown Eastside Capital Grant from the City of Van. The grant application cited the ongoing desire amongst members of the broader Japanese Canadian community to (re)establish a socially responsible year-round presence in the historic home of Japanese Canadians.
The money received through this grant is intended to finance pre-planning activities (i.e., community engagement, building analyses in the Powell St. area, etc.) We have begun engaging community members to determine what their hopes are for this project. Our first community meeting will be on Thursday, February 26th. There are many directions that this project can take. In this first meeting, we will have an opportunity to discuss the hopes for the process at length. If you have any particular ideas about items you would like to discuss or have addressed at the meeting, do let us know and we will ensure that they are included. Please contact admin[at] or call 604-739-9388.