Opened in 1889 as Japan’s first government office in Canada, the Consulate General of Japan serves the jurisdiction of British Columbia and Yukon. Japan’s first diplomatic mission opened in Ottawa in 1928 and Canada opened its first legation in Tokyo in 1929 completing the bilateral relationship.
The Cultural Affairs Section of the Consulate General of Japan is pleased to provide displays and information about the culture of Japan, travel, and programs offered by the Consulate. The Cultural and Public Relations section of the Consulate-General of Japan is pleased to provide displays and information about the culture of Japan, travel, and programs offered by the Consulate General.
1889年、カナダにおける日本初の政府機関として開設された日本総領事館は、BC州とユーコン州を管轄しています。 日本初の在外公館は1928年オタワに開設され、1929年には東京にカナダ初の公使館が開設されて、二国間関係が成立しました。