Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is a Japanese martial system comprised of 9 warrior schools consisting of Samurai and Ninjutsu traditions having lineage dating back well over 1000 years. Studied internationally by military and security organizations working in high-threat situations, grandmaster Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi’s Bujinkan system has received many elite awards including two directly from the Emperor of Japan – something no other Japanese martial art or artist has ever received. Dai-shihan Paul Mann, 15th dan, has travelled regularly to Japan with his students over the past 25 years to study under Dr. Hatsumi and the Japanese Dai-Shihan. We will share key philosophies and demonstrate some important techniques from the schools of the Bujinkan, including:
1. Ukemi(escapes) 2. Kamae(postures) 3. Kihon Happo – fundamental joint locks, blocks, strikes 4. Defense against punches, kicks, and weapons such as boken, knife, hanbo, bo, and kusari 5. Escapes from grabs, holds, and chokes 6. Self-defence without using strength 7. Kyojitsu and Modern Metsubushi (decoy) philisophy and applications 8. Defense against Multiple Attackers 9. A crowd-engaging finale
- 受身 2. 構え 3. 基本八法 – 基本的な関節技、ブロック、打撃 4. パンチ、キック、および木剣、ナイフ、半棒、棒、鎖などの武器に対する防御 5. 掴み、ホールド、絞め技からの逃げ方 6. 力を使わない自己防衛 7. 虚実と現代の目潰し(おとり)の考え方とその応用 8. 複数から攻撃された場合の防御 9. 観客を引き込むフィナーレ