PLAGUE is a multi-channel audio and video media arts sculptural theatre installation based on the 2021 premiere online production, A Journal of the Plague Year, conceived and directed by Colleen Lanki (1965 – 2023) of Tomeo Arts Society. A Journal of the Plague Year is an English-language translation of the play, Ekibyō ryūkōki (1975), written by Terayama Shūji (1935 – 1983) in collaboration with Kishida Rio (1946 – 2003), co-translated by Tsuneda Keiko and Colleen Lanki.
Anju is an active, multi-disciplinary artist who has worked in the non-profit and arts sector for over 15 years. Alongside her passion for the arts, Anju is excited about the ways in which she can apply technology in her work in arts and the non-profit sector. Anju’s degree in Philosophy from Simon Fraser University trained her for critical and analytic thinking, as well as a love for problem solving. Following her studies, her training was nicely rounded out by her experience working in arts and non-profit organizations where she developed values that prioritize people, relationships, and more equitable practices.
Derek Chan (陳嘉昊) grew up in colonial Hong Kong, studied in Norway, and currently lives and works on the stolen and ancestral lands of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations, colonially known as Vancouver. Derek received his BFA in theatre performance from Simon Fraser University. A playwright, director, performer, translator, and producer, Derek has been co-artistic director of rice & beans theatre since 2010. He has also worked with Playwrights Theatre Centre (artistic director apprentice), Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre (associate artistic producer), and the rEvolver Festival (guest curator).
Valerie is an award-winning multidisciplinary artist skilled in performance, writing, directing, dramaturgy, and production. She has received the Enbridge playRites Award, Gordon Armstrong Playwrights Rent Award, and John Moffat + Larry Lillo Prize. Her work has been featured in Canadian Theatre Review,, Ricepaper Magazine, and operatic libretti. Valerie was an artist-in-residence at the National Arts Centre and Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, and won the UBCP/ACTRA International Women’s Day Award in 2019 and the Lieutenant Governor’s Platinum Jubilee Arts and Music Award in 2022. She has performed onstage, onscreen, and in voice work for animation and CBC radio.
「PLAGUE」は、2021年にオンラインで初演された作品『ペスト』(英: A Journal of the Plague Year)を基にした、マルチチャンネルの音声・映像メディアアート彫刻劇インスタレーションです。この作品は、コリーン・ランキー(1965-2023)が構想し、演出を手掛けました。寺山修司(1935-1983)が岸田理生(1946-2003)と共に執筆した1975年の戯曲「疫病流行記」の英語翻訳版であり、常田景子とコリーン・ランキーが共同で翻訳しました。
デレク・チャン(陳嘉昊)は、植民地時代の香港で育ち、ノルウェーで学び、現在はムスクリアム、スコーミッシュ、ツレイル・ワウトゥース族の土地(現在のバンクーバー)に住み、活動しています。デレクはサイモンフレーザー大学で演劇パフォーマンスの美術学士号を取得しました。彼は劇作家、演出家、パフォーマー、翻訳者、プロデューサーとして、2010年からrice & beans theatreの共同芸術監督を務めています。また、Playwrights Theatre Centre(芸術監督見習い)、 Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre(準芸術プロデューサー)、rEvolver Festival(ゲストキュレーター)でも活動してきました。
ヴァレリーは、パフォーマンス、執筆、演出、戯曲制作、プロデュースに長けた多才なアーティストです。彼女はEnbridge playRites賞、Gordon Armstrong Playwrights Rent賞、John Moffat + Larry Lillo賞を受賞しています。彼女の作品は、Canadian Theatre Review、、Ricepaper Magazine、オペラのリブレットに掲載されました。ヴァレリーは、カナダ国立芸術センターとShadbolt Centre for the Artsのアーティスト・イン・レジデンスを務め、2019年にUBCP/ACTRA国際女性デー賞、2022年にリーフテナント・ガバナーのプラチナ・ジュビリー・アーツ・アンド・ミュージック賞を受賞しました。彼女は舞台、スクリーン、アニメーションの声優、CBCラジオでの声の仕事でパフォーマンスを行ってきました。
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.