
This is Kimiko’s second time performing at the Powell Street Festival, and she is honoured to be making music in a place with such a rich history. Kimiko’s performance is a blend of narratively rich songs and memorable melodies. Her performances aim to be vulnerable and heartfelt: an opportunity to slow down and find connection in our busy lives.  

Kimiko Dorey is a hafu vocalist hailing from Vancouver. Growing up, Kimiko attended Japanese Language School, and at the same time, began studying voice. As a teen, both areas of study were abandoned; however, she is on a journey to reclaim her Japanese heritage and her voice. She is proudly a sansei, social justice educator, plus model, soloist for YVR Pop Choir, and dog enthusiast. 


キミコ・ドレイはバンクーバー出身のハーフボーカリストです。 キミコは日本語学校に通い、同時にボイストレーニングも始めました。10代になって、両分野の勉強を諦めましたが、日本文化と声を取り戻すための旅を続けています。彼女は誇りある三世であり、社会正義の教育者であり、さらにはモデル、YVR歌謡合唱団のソリスト、そして犬の愛好家でもあります。 

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Wheelchair accessible