Taco Nori Food Booth Festival site location: Dunlevy Ave.Vegetarian, vegan options available ベジタリアン、ビーガンオプションありSalmon nori taco, tuna nori taco, California nori taco, chopped scallop nori taco, avocucumber nori taco, mango paradise nori taco, wakame nori taco サーモンのりタコス、ツナのりタコス、カリフォルニアのりタコス、ホタテのりタコス、アボキュウのりタコス、マンゴーパラダイスのりタコス、わかめのりタコス AboutAuthentic Japanese bento in Chinatown, Vancouver. We opened in February 2019. Our restaurant is located on the corner of Pender St. and Gore Ave. in Chinatown. Previous Next Link Instagram