Powell Street Festival Japanese Canadian Art and Culture Summer Festival in Vancouver
Powell Street Festival Japanese Canadian Art and Culture Summer Festival in Vancouver

Saturday, August 3 & Sunday, August 4 in Oppenheimer Park and surrounding area!

Powell Street Festival is one of the largest and the longest-running community arts festivals in Canada, located in Vancouver’s historic Japanese Canadian neighbourhood, Paueru Gai – today known as the Downtown Eastside. The Powell Street Festival Society also offers year-round programs, and collaborates with local organizations, artists, and communities.

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I am overjoyed to welcome you to the 48th Annual Powell Street Festival. On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers thank you for joining us to celebrate the spirit of Powell Street and sharing our vision of a society enriched and connected through the arts. 

This festival is a celebration of Japanese Canadian arts and culture taking place in Vancouver’s historic Paueru Gai neighborhood on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh people. We are honoured to be in the neighborhood and work with the current residents to create this rich cultural experience connecting communities.   

This year’s free programming includes perennial favorites and new groups joining us for the first time. Our two outdoor stages (the Diamond Stage in the park, and the Street Stage on Jackson Street) have a full schedule of vibrant taiko drumming, music, dance, and martial arts demonstrations throughout the weekend, including new choreography from Kokoro Dance, live music from “Kintsugi,” exhibited at Centre A, and a performance from renowned shakuhachi maker Miura Ryuho. There are beautiful exhibits and demonstrations of traditional Japanese artwork in the Vancouver Buddhist Temple, Vancouver Japanese Language School, and Centre A Art Gallery in Chinatown. We have several thought-provoking panels and discussions on the connection between race, art, and activism at the Language School and a showing of a lively documentary film about one of our founder volunteers, photographer and activist Tamio Wakayama at the Firehall Theatre on Cordova Street. The film is also available to stream at home during the weekend if you are not able to see it at the festival.   

Our food selection has also expanded with returning community groups and new vendors. We are happy to welcome back this year, after a brief hiatus, the Salmon BBQ. We have a wide variety of delicious treats to satisfy all your cravings from savoury to sweet. The program contains a master list of our participating vendors and their menu items indicating vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free items to assist in making your choices.   

The wide variety of what Japanese Canadian arts and culture encompasses is represented by the number of community groups, craft and marketplace vendors displaying their unique artwork and products. Don’t forget to pick up the limited-edition Powell Street Festival merchandise at the Sales tent in the center of the park. You can also support us by purchasing lottery tickets. This year we have 39 fabulous prizes with a grand prize of a trip for two to Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo. 

This festival couldn’t exist without you, the audience, who support us by attending, participating, and enjoying our programs. The feedback you provide us helps us reflect on our journey so far and how we can continue to learn, adapt, and improve in a thoughtful way that honours our role in the neighborhood and Japanese Canadian history. 

Thank you for joining us to celebrate the 48th year of the Powell Street Festival. We hope that you have a great time at the festival and thank you for spending a part of your long weekend with us. 

Eddy Takayanagi (Board President)



今年の無料プログラムでは、定番の人気企画と初参加の新しいグループによるパフォーマンスがお楽しみいただけます。公園内のダイアモンドステージとジャクソンストリートのストリートステージの2つの屋外ステージでは、週末を通じて活気ある太鼓演奏、音楽、舞踊、武道のデモンストレーションがたくさんあります。ココロダンスの新しいパフォーマンスや、チャイナタウン内アートギャラリーCentre Aで展示される「金継ぎ」のライブ音楽、そして著名な尺八製管師である三浦龍畝氏のパフォーマンスもあります。バンクーバー仏教寺院、バンクーバー日本語学校、Centre Aアートギャラリーでは、伝統的な日本の美術作品の展示やデモンストレーションも行われます。また日本語学校では、人種、芸術、活動主義のつながりについて考察する興味深いパネルディスカッションが複数あり、コルドバストリートにあるファイアホール劇場では、私たちの創設者ボランティアである写真家兼活動家の故タミオ・ワカヤマ氏に関するドキュメンタリー映画が上映されます。フェスティバルに来て鑑賞できない場合も、映画は週末中にご自宅でストリーミング視聴が可能です。 





エディ・高柳 (パウエル祭実行委員会 会長)


Festival Merch and Lottery

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Nicole Larsen is a Vancouver-based muralist, artist, illustrator, and graphic designer with over a decade of experience in the design industry. Her work is deeply influenced by her Japanese Canadian heritage and her connection to nature, characterized by bold, vibrant colours and joyful, uplifting imagery. Nicole is dedicated to fostering community through creativity, using her art to spread joy and bring people together.

Working with the Powell Street Festival has been a dream come true for Nicole, as it allows her to celebrate her Japanese heritage while bringing the community together with her playful and joyful designs. She is also grateful to be a part of the festival this year as a market vendor and hopes to see everyone there!



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Powell Street Festival Japanese Canadian Art and Culture Summer Festival in Vancouver